Blockchain e-BoL
Blockchain e-BoL: Electronic Bill of Ladings
Blockchain e-BoL is an online collaborative platform that allows to generate, to manage, to share and to sign electronic Bill of Ladings providing complete traceability of the whole process using Blockchain technology.
The solution uses DCSA standards to ensure complete interoperability with other electronic Bill of Lading systems and allows to download an electronic version of the Bill of Lading with the original information submitted by the shipping line and validated by the shipper.
The platform provides a holistic vision of all the Bill of Lading generated and the status of each of them, and allows third parties have access to the historical data and to download the whole history of each document.
Blockchain e-BoL’s expectations from the acceleration programme:
- Co-create a new solution with our consortia partner that has an impact in the Blue Economy and bringing circularity and sustainability to a traditional process
- Facilitate and message correctly a circular project
DigiCirc’s financial support: €117,500
These funds were essential in funding their product development and team support as they have implemented their roadmap and experimented with their pilots. There was extensive need to not just develop but test as their project deals with evolving technologies like Hot Wallets and Smart contracts which require auditing.
SpainMeet the team
Andrés Garrido
Andrés Garrido es CEO y Co-fundador de ChainGO Tech. Empresa que constituyó en 2017 junto a Jordan Sorensen y Pilar Troncoso. Es Ingeniero Aeronáutico por la Universidad de Sevilla y graduado del programa International MBA del IE Business School. Previo a la constitución de ChainGO Tech trabajó durante más de seis años en el sector aeronáutico en proyectos para Airbus y Boeing en España, UK, Francia, Canadá y EEUU. Adicionalmente ejerce como profesor en el BSM ( Blockchain School for Management), en la cátedra de Industria Conectada de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas en Madrid y coordina el programa Blockchain aplicado a la Logística Marítima del IME (Instituto Marítimo Español).
Ricardo Rubio
Ricardo was a General Manager of Berge Shipbrokers in Madrid for 10 years before transitioning to President of his own Freight Forwarder, CAREX Logistics. CAREX Logistics is a company specialized in the physical distribution of e-commerce products. It also offers storage and transit services by road, sea and air to our clients. It also offers Consulting and Maritime Advisory services, maintaining until the end of 2020 an advisory contract with the BERGÉ group.
Tomás Montalbetti
Tomás is the Director of the logistics partner for this projects, Volans Maritime. An alumnus of La Universidad de Desarrollo he has always been focused on innovation and excellence, qualities he brings to this project as he oversees development for in-practice use by logistics companies